Brooklyn-based tile artist Allison Eden is bringing sweetness and color to this year’s Coverings Global Tile and Stone Experience.

Not just everyone is creative enough to be described as the “Lady Gaga of the tile world.” Eden works in color, with much of her work being bright splashes of rainbow-like designs. With her design studio, Allison Eden Studios, she has been working on tile projects throughout the world since the early 90s.
“I’m always trying to offer not just that plain tile, but something over-the-top and fun,” said Eden, describing her design style.
While Eden keeps up to date with her social media and website, showcasing her newest projects, individuals interested can see her latest and greatest at this year’s Coverings.
Coverings is the largest tile and stone exhibition and conference in North America. This year’s conference will be in Orlando, Fla. from July 7 to 9.
This would not be the first time Eden has attended Coverings; in fact, the tile artisan has attended every Coverings show for the past twenty years, without missing a single event.
“Coverings is one of the best shows for tile and stone,” she said. “If you are in the tile industry, this is your show.” Every year, Eden has a booth dedicated to showing off her latest project.
Eden has worked hard in the past year. She has expanded her business and has created her own clothing line, fabric, and wallpaper, as well as a fantastic Candyland-themed tile design collection
The tile collection, which is called “Ready to Wear,” is a quick-ship collection available for purchase.
“People want everything tomorrow, so during COVID we created the collection,” she said. “It’s all fun colors, and a beautiful, easy collection that goes with our murals.”
“My collection is all about candy and food, and it’s beautiful,” she described. “I’m doing big murals that are Candyland inspired, and my patterns are named really delicious things like ‘Sprinkles’ and ‘French Pastry’
Eden’s Candyland-themed collection will be on full display at her booth.

The artist feels now is the perfect time for a collection like her own.
“We need gluttony and delicious, and we need happiness and color right now,” she said. “My collection is very welcoming, a ‘Welcome Back to the World.’”
While still colorful like other items created by Eden, this year she leans more into soft colors rather than bright colors.
“Most years, it’s very loud and bright, but this year, it’s very yummy. My collection is sweet and yummy.”
Over the past year, a fashion line was also created. Eden’s fashion line features styles that match her iconic mosaic designs, in everything from face masks to bikinis.
While being able to showcase her work at Coverings is always a benefit, one of her favorite parts of the trade show is being able to see her clients.
“I feel like this is almost a family reunion because I get to see all of my clients who have actually become my family over the years,” she said.
“I really feel that my business is relationship based. They can see my stuff on Instagram, my website or in newsletters we send, but when you meet them and see them and see what they want and ask them questions, I think that’s the most important thing.”
Last year’s Coverings was canceled due to the COVID health crisis. Eden had intended to host a party for her clients during the tradeshow, but that too was unfortunately canceled.
“I believe if you are in the tile industry, you have a duty to your clients to be [at Coverings],” she said. “You need to be there and show what you have worked on all year.”
While the tile artist has her own unique style, she is still keyed into the current tile trends.
“I think people are not looking to move, they are looking to make their homes their happy place, their sanctuary,” said Eden. “They are not buying to sell right now. They are trying to make their home as fabulous as they can.”
When describing the kind of work she has been doing for clients, she had one word: Custom.
“From what I’m seeing, and what we’re making, it’s very custom, very beautiful, luxurious and colorful,” she said. “Custom, custom, custom.”
Allison Eden is a world-renowned glass design artist with over 20 years of experience. Her custom pieces can be seen in every major US city, from hotels to restaurants, to casinos, to crust ships, to even residential spaces. Her designs have been featured in multiple publications, including Architectural Digest, Interior Design Magazine, Architectural Record, Metropolitan Home, New York Cottages and Gardens, and Elle Decor, among many others. Eden’s newest feature is on the cover of TileLetter, which will be distributed at this year’s Coverings.
“I love what we do. I offer a service that is really not offered, we beat to our own drum.”
More information on Coverings 2021 can be found on their website. House Tipster Industry will be covering the event on our blog and our social media.