Chicago-Based Architectural Firm, FGP Atelier Revolutionizing Building Design

Since early 2018, Francisco Gonzalez Pulido, former president of JAHN, has led the efforts of the 24-person team to create innovative spaces in his home country of Mexico and worldwide in places like the United States and Asia. Gonzalez Pulido’s focus on aligning design, science, and technology is helping to advance the industry, and make more comfortable, intuitive buildings in the process.

Francisco Gonzalez Pulido

FGP Atelier’s show-stopping array of projects include the near-completion of two cutting-edge towers located in Shanghai, China. The Office Campus is set to serve as the regional offices of the British brand Land Rover and features two towers plus an urban complex that includes custom fritted glass pattern resembling bamboo. This unique, natural pattern builds on the regional significance of bamboo while offering a stunning combination of natural light and privacy.

Landrover Regional Office. Shanghai, China.

Other exciting, ongoing projects include Mexico’s premier baseball stadium, named the Stadium, located in Mexico City, Mexico, the high-tech Sustainable Garden and educational pavilion in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the Skyscraper, a high-rise in Guangzhou, China.

Landrover Regional Office. Shanghai, China.

“My work is about going places, and experiencing them holistically—the light, the materials, and the way they make you feel all factor into my work,” said Gonzalez Pulido in a statement.

Landrover Regional Office. Shanghai, China.

By understanding the environment, regional culture, and current technologies, FGP Atelier is reducing the impact buildings have on the environment and revolutionizing architecture at the same time.

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